

Paris, October 10, 2023 – IACF Conference – News on credits and taxes reductions applicable to companies (E. Quentin)

Conference on News on credits and taxes reductions applicable to companies, organized by the French Institute of Tax Advisers (IACF, Institut des avocats conseils fiscaux) on October 10, 2023.

Eric Quentin, partner at Hoche Avocats, will be speaking alongside Sarah Dardour-Attali and Laurent Olléon, at the conference organized by the Institut des Avocats Conseils Fiscaux, on the “Actualité des crédits et réductions d’impôts applicables aux entreprises” (News on credits and taxes reductions applicable to companies).

The conference will be held in person on Tuesday October 10, 2023 at the Maison du Barreau.

An online replay is scheduled for Tuesday October 17, 2023.

On the program:

🔹The distinction between tax credit / tax reduction

-Imputation, reimbursement, interest on arrears

-Tax credits and tax integration

-Exiting a tax credit scheme in the event of loss of SME status within the meaning of the European Union.

-Withdrawal of tax credits by the legislator and legitimate expectations

🔹Actuality of certain schemes (including PLF 2024) :

-Research tax credit (“crédit d’impôt recherche” –  CIR) and innovation tax credit ( crédit d’impôt innovation –  CII)

-Patronage tax reduction

-Environmental tax credits

The team:

  • Eric Quentin

    Tel. +33 (0)1 53 93 22 00 See more
