

Hoche Avocats announces the arrival of Soazig Préteseille as partner in Employment Law

We are pleased to welcome Soazig Préteseille as a partner, strengthening our employment law offering alongside Frédérique Cassereau.

Soazig Préteseille is an expert recognised by her peers and clients, who advises and defends French and foreign companies on all aspects of employment law, both individual and collective. Her clients are mainly international industrial groups and banks in a variety of sectors (energy, telecoms, healthcare, etc.). She has developed considerable expertise in restructuring and employment protection schemes, negotiating collective agreements (particularly working time agreements) and complex mass litigation.

Soazig Préteseille has worked for major French and Anglo-Saxon law firms. In the course of her academic and professional career, she has developed a highly international practice, particularly in Germany, whether in support of subsidiaries of foreign companies in France or in international mobility issues, for example.

‘We are delighted to welcome Soazig to our firm’s employment law department.

Her arrival is part of our drive to develop our practices, particularly our employment law practice, where her expertise will enable our firm to strengthen its presence in certain sectors, particularly industry.

Soazig shares our values and fits in perfectly with our collaborative working environment and the sharing of experience for the benefit of our clients,’ comments Frédérique Cassereau, a member of the Hoche Avocats Executive Committee.


Hoche News – 23 April 2024

Le Monde du Droit – 24 April 2024

Décideurs magazine – 26 April 2024

Cfnews – 26 April 2024

Option Droit & Affaires – 28 April 2024

Capital Finance – 30 April 2024

Semaine Juridique Entreprise – 9 May 2024

The team:

  • Soazig Préteseille

    Tel. +33 (0)1 53 93 22 13 See more
